Chiesa di San Giorgio

Parish Church dedicated to San Giorgio, patron saint of the city. The church was built between 1831 and 1851 on the architect Giunchini’s project, in neoclassical style, divided in three naves by twin ionic columns. Inside there are a monumental statue of the Saint on horseback, by Giovanni Paci (1840), a canvas with the Saints of the Franciscan Order by the painter Gaetano Gandolfi, from Bologna, and also a copy of the famous Polittico by Carlo Crivelli.

Chiesa delle Anime Sante

Built in 1695 by Giovanni Trevisani. The Crocifissione con Vergine Addolorata e Santi Maddalena, Giovanni Apostolo e Girolamo painted by Vincenzo Pagani, is perhaps the most valuable painting in Porto San Giorgio.

Chiesa della Madonna del Rosario

The Church was built in 1728. The ceiling was frescoed by Sigismondo Nardi at the end of 1800.

Chiesa del crocefisso

A deconsecrated church, famous in the past, for the Polittico of Porto San Giorgio by Carlo Crivelli. It was restored in 2018 to put on Mrs Renata Ficiarà’s monumental nativity.

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